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Word From The Speaker

As your Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our official County Assembly Website. As the Speaker of Migori County Assembly, undertake to do all that is lawfully and humanly possible to facilitate the process of setting the pace for the sustained economic growth and development of our rich county and to spearhead the passage of county governance laws alongside the other core duties of representation and oversighting governance of our county. God bless Migori County.

News And Highlights


The Honorable Speaker and the clerk received a team comprising of staff from the Senate Liaison Office and Westminster Foundation…

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Public Hearing Notice

In the matter of public petition presented to the County Assembly under the Migori County Assembly standing order 2014, “IT…

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Know Your MCA

The County Assembly is the Legislative arm of the County Government responsible for  formulating  laws that regulate the conduct and activities within the County and  provide oversight.The Constitution establishes the County Assembly which shall consist of members elected by the registered voters of the wards,each ward constituting a single member constituency.

County Assembly of Migori  was established after the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. The first Assembly commenced in April 2013 . During this period the county assembly has made remarkable strides towards fulfilling its mandate. Several legislations have been enacted some of which have enhanced the framework for oversighting county executive.

Migori In Numbers

County Wards
Current MCAs
County size (km2)
Estimated Population
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