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Migori County Assembly elects the Deputy Speaker

After the official election of the Speaker, Honourable members of Migori County Assembly took a short break after which they voted for the position of the Deputy Speaker which attracted six aspirants. The voting was as follows.

  1. Hon. Chacha Mathews 29 Votes
  2. Hon. George Omamba 25 Votes
  3. Hon. Brian Osodo 5 Votes
  4. Hon. Esther Auma Migose 0 Votes
  5. Hon. Eunice Apiyo Odii 0 Votes
  6. Hon. Maroa Magwe Maroa 0 Votes

The members then debated on whether to declare the winner though simple majority or to go for a re-run. Given that members had varied opinions, the speaker put a Question, and those who supported a simple majority option carried the day and Hon. David Chacha Mathew was declared and sworn in as the duly elected Deputy Speaker of Migori County Assembly

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